Barony of Rowany
awards list

 Order of the Frantic Falcon
Full List
Armoured Combat Champion
Arts & Sciences Champion
Baronesses Champion
Baronial Archery Champion
Baronial Artisan
Baronial Companion
Baronial Cypher
Baronial Guard
Baronial Page
Candle of Friendship
Order of the Dovetail
Order of the Frantic Falcon
Order of the Golden Staple
Order of the Rowan Berries
Order of the Rowan Haft
Order of the Silver Cinquefoil
Rapier Combat Champion
Rowany Bard
Victrix Banner
Awards description

Name : 
[A]  [B]  [C]  [D]  [E]  [F]  [G]  [H]  [I
[J]  [K]  [L]  [M]  [N]  [O]  [P]  [Q]  [R
[S]  [T]  [U]  [V]  [W]  [X]  [Y]  [Z
Name Date received Sort by date
Gilchrist Morgan22/04/2024
Rowland Bridgeford22/04/2024
Altani Khalighu11/11/2023
Arabella d Aubigny29/07/2023
Mathias von Massenbach29/07/2023
Fabia Maxima10/12/2022
Ykaterina Vaginavich Bychkov10/12/2022
Unnr Audinarsdottir22/10/2022
Beatrice Maria Malatesta02/04/2018
Andrew Daniels30/04/2017
Rosalind Beaufort10/12/2016
Edward Walton12/10/2016
Katrijn van Delden17/05/2014
Lorcan of Riverhaven17/05/2014
Terrence of Radburn17/05/2014
Lyssa Llewensdottir18/04/2014
Vandel Lynchea07/04/2012
Ameline de Colwell01/04/2012
Annora Martin01/04/2012
Katherne Rischer25/04/2011
Manfred von Faulkenberg05/04/2010
Marie de Lyon05/04/2010
Gillian Brampton24/03/2008
Hunydd verch Madyn Duy24/03/2008
Padraic Lowther16/06/2007
Katherne Rischer03/12/2005
Helene du Puy13/06/2004
Hrothgar aet Gytingbroc13/06/2004
Fineamhain an Einigh inghean ui Chonchobhair13/12/2003
Medb ingen ind Iasachta13/12/2003
Bethan Daniels of Brockwood07/12/2002
Caristiona nic Bheathain08/12/2001
Catarina Sansovino08/12/2001
Viktor Zagreev24/04/2000
Carla the Unquestionable23/04/2000
Bliss of Teine04/12/1999
Keridwen the Mouse01/03/1999
Helen James of Aescléah29/11/1997
Alfar of Attica28/03/1997
Gudrun Bodvarsdottir28/03/1997
Gabriella della Santa Croce30/11/1996
Alexios Thrakeses28/09/1996
Aveline de Roet28/09/1996
Caelyn MacLeod28/09/1996
Filippa Ginevra Francesca di Lucignano28/09/1996
Rowan Perigrynne28/09/1996
Torg of Hawkhurst28/09/1996
Wulfsige Clovenhaft28/09/1996
Bess Haddon of York01/06/1994
Eloise dArnell05/05/1993