Lochac Roll of Arms


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Cadell Fletcher
Cynon Yscolan ap Myrddin

Dafydd ap Donal ap Gwilym to Duncan Wolfshead

Eadie Porterose
Ezzo von Schwarzwald

Dafydd ap Donal ap Gwilym

Dafydd ap Iorwerth ap Rhodri de dena

Dafydd Llantrisant

Dafydd of the Glens

Dafydd Wallraven

Dagný Sveinsdóttir

Daine Albanach

Dai Bach

Dallan ua Lorccain

Dalla of Southron Gaard

Dalla Spakona

Damian Greybeard

Damian of Drax

Damian of Southron Gaard

Danielis Pyrsokomos

Daniella della Luna

Daniel de la Guerre

Dante Caldiera

Dareios Rossos the Vigilant

Darius Freeman

David Cookham

David de Darlington

David de Saxby

David of Galloway

David of Lockerbie

Decima Quintilia

Declan de Burgo

Declan of Drogheda

Declan Ogillegan

Deirdre inghean ui Neill

Denise of Driffield

Deorwulf Rathbrand

Derek of Ildhafn

Dermod Uí Néill

Devine Winter

Diana the Dismal

Diane the Stitcher of Nancy

Dianora Amati

Diarmid O Lorcain

Diccon Short Hand

Diego Alonso Moreno

Diego Alvares

Dieric Pieterszoon van Tolen

Diether Reinhardt

Dietrich Lehrer

Dimitrii Borodinskii

Dino de Malta

Domenego Ferrante di Aldobrando

Domhnall na Moicheirghe

Dominica de Zaragoza

Dominic Tremayne

Dominika Borishkovaia

Domnika Trubnikova

Donald Anderson

Donal ap Gryffydd

Donal Fireshaker

Donnchadh Baillie

Dorothye Torr

Douglas Fitzwilliam

Douglas Graham

Douglas of the Coast

Doyle of Bordescros

Draco de Euruic

Dragana Rosa

Dragoncina Tornaparte

Dragon Demonskyi

Drake de Bonnay

Drake Morgan

Drew Steele

Drogo von Königsberg

Druisten Hrafnsson

Drusticc inigena Eddarrnonn

Duarte de la Guitarra

Dubhgall O'Connor

Dubhghall ó Séaghdha

Dubhghlas Mac Ailean

Duibheasa of Mona

Duncan Kerr

Duncan MacAlpin Shieldsbane

Duncan Prymrois

Duncan Wolfshead