Lochac Roll of Arms


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Bain de Saint Florian
Burghardt von der Brandenburg

Cailean Gruagdhubh to Cynon Yscolan ap Myrddin

Dafydd ap Donal ap Gwilym
Duncan Wolfshead

Cailean Gruagdhubh

Cailin mac Eoin mhic Fhionnlaigh

Cailleach Dhé inghean Uí Dhuinn

Cainnear Rúad

Cainnech Macraith

Cairistiona inghean Raghnaill

Cairistiona nic Bheathain

Caitilín inghean Ghregoir mhic Lachlainn

Caitlin de Courcy

Caitríona Ruadh inghean Bhriain

Caleb Adolphus

Callum Macleod

Callum of Glen Albyn

Caomhnat Reamhar

Cara di Lupo

Cara of Kirriemuir

Carloman de le Mer

Carl the Hopeful

Cassandra Cattani

Cassandra of the Cheviot Hills

Cassandra the Gypsy

Cassya de Solario

Catalina de Gata

Catalina de Montoya

Catalina Oro Sol

Catalina Ximena Villanova de Santa Maria

Catalÿn Gárdonyi

Catarina Ysabella Leoni

Cateline Courtecuisse

Caterina Columbini

Caterina dei Matthioli

Caterina di Narnia

Caterina Vasari da Firenze

Caterin of Kilkenny

Cathán mac Sétna uí Loingsigh

Catherine Ann Colchester

Catherine de Arc

Catherine de Walford

Catherine Digbie of Sherborne

Catherine James of Glastonbury

Catherine of Cobweb Cottage

Catherine of Shirwode

Catherine of Ynys Fawr

Catherine Redewell

Catherine the Friendly

Cathleen de Barre

Ceara Shionnach

Cecilia Ine Queerke

Cecily de Montgomery

Cecily de Montsalvy

Cecily of Charnwood

Celestria Ashwood

Celestria le Reven

Celia the Fair

Cenwulf the smith

Ceridwen d'Arci of Stag Oakes

Ceridwen ferch Dafydd ap Cradog

Cesare d'Orso

Charles of the Park

Charle du Bois

Cheng Weiming

Chrestienne du Fay

Chrétienne de Haverington

Christine Bess Duvant

Christopher Longstaff

Chunegund Screivogelin

Ciana da Lucca

Cian Gillebhrath

Ciaran Bran

Ciaran Faolchara

Cicilia Lyon

Çinara Baraceco

Claas Jongkrijger de Leeuw

Claire de la Mer

Claire Marie Alderton

Clara Boese

Clara Bone-Aventure

Clara van der Maes

Clarel Belton

Clare Fletcher of Maldon

Clarice de Menoncourt

Claricia filia Wilelmi dapiferi

Clemens Gascoigne

Clifford Ascheburner

Clothilde du Lac

Clovis Tacitus

Coelen von Poppenwind

Coenred Oerikssune

Collette de Harecourt

Columb Finn mac Diarmata

Conachar MacAlpin

Conan MacAindreis

Conán Mór Ó Cúáin

Conciata Felice de la Cita di Lucha

Conrad Sturmere

Constance de Colligny

Constance Makepais

Constancia Luiza de Almada

Constantine Death

Constanzia Moralez y de Zamora

Contarina la Bianca

Corin Anderson

Cormacc Mac Artúir

Cormac Lenihan

Cormac Ó Treassaigh

Cornelius Grimm

Cornelius von Becke

Craig Eideard MacGhille Aindrais

Crisiant Dreigben

Crispin Sexi

Cristin verch Reys

Cristoval Gitano

Crowley Barr

Cuilen Ó Caoimh

Cullan of Innilgard

Cwen Ælfrices Dohter

Cynethryth Dall

Cynon Yscolan ap Myrddin