Lochac Roll of Arms


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Quataryna de Montpelher
Quintilia Tullia

Rachel the Untame to Ruth of Innilgard

Sabina della Rosa de Verona
Szöke Ersébet

Rachel the Untame

Radbot von Borg

Radulf Dimichevaler

Rafail Boiak

Raffaella da Monza

Raffe De Massard

Ragi Gamlason

Ragnarr of Ravenshold

Ragnarr Olafsson

Ragnar Magnússon

Ragnbjorn inn digri

Ragnhildr skegglaus

Raichbhe Walkman

Rainald FitzRenyard

Rainulf Falconet

Ralph Ermin

Ramón de Castellón de la Plana

Ramon Garcia de Cordoba

Randall of Willoughby Vale

Randal Mallard de la Guerre

Ranif Pallesser

Ranlyn O'Fayle

Raoul d'Avignon

Raoul de Chenonceaux

Raphael Dunoir

Raphael d'Avallon

Raphael le Dragon

Rashid al Faqih

Rathnait inghean ui Chairealláin

Raulf of Esenden

Raulin Sheffield

Raulyn Fynch

Raven Whitelock

Raymond Landais of Politarchopolis

Raymond of Annan

Razin al-Basir ibn Ja'far ibn Ma'bad

Reade ap Sian

Red Forrester

Reignald Seymour of York

Reinhardt der Steiger

Renonys de la Fueille

Ren Raw

Reuben Freeman

Rhianna verch y Koedwr

Rhiannon of Camrose

Rhiannon of Rosebriar

Rhianwen ni Dhiarmada

Rhyllian of Starfire Retreat

Rian de Drummyn

Riccardo della Torre d'Avorio

Riccardo Pugliesi

Richard Arrowe

Richard de la Croix

Richard de Montfort of Hastings

Richard d'Allier

Richard Ferrowre

Richard of Dunheved

Richard of Kingsbury

Richenza d'Assisi

Ringwar Northwood

Rioghnach inghean Aireachtaigh

Ríonach O'Melaghlin

Robert of Strathconan

Roberto de Fabbro

Robert Calis

Robert de Bonnay

Robert de Mar

Robert Fletcher

Robert Furness of Southwood

Robert Kydde of Blacathathir

Robert Laffan of York

Robert of Starmount

Robert Robare the Rhos

Robyn atte May

Robin of Twyford

Robin the Ruthless in Battel

Robin the Scarlet of Ambledune

Roddhu Oakburn

Roderick of Downegate

Rodger of Saint Crispin

Rodrigo de Burgos

Rodrigo Diaz Mendoza

Roheis Ireton of Attenborough

Rohese de Fairhurst

Rohesia le Sarjent

Róisín Locha Éirne

Roland Ironbeard

Roland Löfhjälm

Roman Walerian

Romille de Mont Blanc

Ronald the Red

Rónán Herun

Ronan mac Briain

Rosalinde von Braunschweig

Rosalind Beaufort

Rosalind Ryne

Rosamonde de l'Oiselet

Rosamond de Montfort

Rosamund Laiborn

Rosanella Soranzo

Rosa Askell

Rosa Frye

Rose of Northgate

Rose Pennyngton

Rose Truelove

Rose Turner

Rowanna Nachteule

Rowan Perigrynne

Rowena of Loxton

Rowena of Seventowers

Rowland Bridgeford

Roxana Greenlefe

Rúadán Fota

Rubin Doubauch

Rudiger Adler

Rudolf von der Drau

Rufus Adycote of Mynheniot

Rúna Hundadóttir

Rúnfríðr Keiliselgr

Ruric the Grey

Rurik farserkr

Ruth of Innilgard